I resorted to eating junk even after being warned against it.
Just like any human being has cravings,i give in to mine's quite often and takeout food as well as junk food became a part of my daily diet. Maybe not completely but more then enough to knock my body down and get me needing to go for an endoscope to find out what's going on. I've booked the date for this scope and to be honest i don't know what to expect but from where i'm standing,it's those bad diet and exercise choice's iv'e made that has got me here.
Your body talks to you on a regular basis,listen to it.
I'm quite young and even though iv'e obsessed over being fit,i read countless books and articles on having a healthy body,i have all the knowledge needed yet finding that drive to actually live by those lessons learnt proves to be a tougher task then i expected. I had been warned by doctors to avoid any fizzy drinks,infact most junk food and i guess not listening to those warnings at the time is associated by being naive at times. I did not listen to my doctors but most importantly i did not listen to my body. It gave all the signs over time, and i did not listen to it.
A post a day can become an archive full with tips to change our lifestyles.
The reason i'm actually going into my story right now is because i don't want to see more people end up feeling the way i have. Right now all it could be for me is an ulcer or something but someday it could become something sinister if i don't change the way i live. It's no longer about just a diet, it becomes your lifestyle. Changing the way you think,the way you eat,the way you exercise and that change is best accomplished when you actually believe that you're doing the right thing. I'm going to post an article everyday that you can learn something beneficial. Whether it's a health tip, fitness regiment or even a story of successful people, i'll use ever post i write to give off information that can help change your life around. We only have one life to give, so why not live it as best as we can.
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