4 Ways Fear Holds You Back in Life

We live in a society that dictates you be cut throat and vigilant in any task and opportunity. Being able to hold your own in the business world or even the social world requires you to overcome your fears and battle your way to success however, fear plays a part in all of our lives and if we aren't able to identify how it damages us as a person,we won't be able to overcome these fears.

1.Doubting yourself in situations

Fear us ab extreme task to overcome in most instances people are unable to do so. you find yourself questioning your ability to produce which in return affects your overall performance before you even make an attempt.

2. Contributes to Confidence Destruction

I'm fully aware of how fear can knock your confidence in yourself. Fear has a way of creeping into your mind,plants a doubt which hinders your actual performance and abilities.The more this happens,the more your confidence lowersand the more fear dictates the way you act and feel about yourself.

3. Expecting the Worst

When your self confidence is damaged,you tend to expect the worst in any situation you're faced with. Be it writing an exam, applying for a new job,pursuing a partner or even losing weight. Fear affects your confidence so much that you start to believe now that you can't accomplish the task or goal at hand. It further creates 'negative expectations', you start to assume the worst could happen and a sense of disbelief in yourself sabotages your chance to be the best you can be and even allow a situation to play out which could be a Good experience instead of a bad one.

4.Fear Demotivates a person

Motivation and Inspiration stems from internal and external influence, from the two, internal influence is the strongest because it's your belief to want to accomplish a task and can be extremely powerful however when Fear controls your mind, it triggers a train of events such as,Destroyed confidence,negative expectations,bad mindset and you end up in a stagnant place. Unable to move forward and overcome obstacles. Unable to change your life around. Unable to be The best You that You can be. Lack of motivation can contribute to a person not even wanting to Try.

Let us know how you've managed to overcome your Fears

This itself is cause enough for a person to realize that Fear is a state of mind. It deals with your mind and can be manipulated and destroyed with the right tools and advice. We want people to be able to Try and make the best of any situation without negative fearing. Comment on how you have experienced fear and ways you were able to overcome this and i'll sure to include this in my follow up post on Fighting Fear.
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