How you should workout on a Strider and treadmill to lose weight

It's generally accepted that if you want to lose weight and get toned then you should do a combination of Cardio and strength training however jumping onto a treadmill and running for over 20 minutes sometimes doesn't work after the first month. You find that you aren't burning much fat and you hit a stagnant phase however the solution to this problem is simply brought down to 'Variety'.

Your body adapts very quickly to a workout pattern and can slow the process of losing weight and getting fit.
When we speak about variety we're actually referring to the way you run on a treadmill or strider, how long you run, what speed you run at and what intensity. The goal in any workout is variety. you want to change up your pattern when running because your body can get used to a certain limit if you stick to it for a long period.

The key is to brake a 20 minute run into 3 steps and different intervals to begin with:

  • 0 - 1:30 minutes : Walk
  • 1:30 - 3 minutes : Jog
  • 3 - 5 minutes      : Sprint

As you can see, the workout is broken into 3 steps adding up to 5 minutes per set. Doing this for 4 times will add up to a 20 minute workout that will have your heart racing like never before and your fat burning zone optimized properly.This is just a simple pattern you can work with and is open for you to experiment with. As time goes by, increase the resistance for the workout, create different patterns and alter the time limit on each phase to your level of fitness.
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