3 Healthy Tips and image quotes for your Weekend - 01

The weekend for any person feels like the time to just spoil yourself and have a good time or just kick back and relax, to be honest, it's the 2 days of the week that can actually push you backwards in your regiment and goals for a healthier body. Your mind tells you to stay on the diet and not have that tootsie roll whilst your body says otherwise. Getting to a Gym or on your strider at home can be ever so difficult which is why we put together 3 Great image quotes and tips that could motivate you to think healthy through the weekend.

3 Health and Workout Tips for the Weekend
  • Go for a run/jog outdoors first thing in the morning : This way you get your workout without worrying about it through the day.
  • Eat something light before you go out : If you decide to go to restaurant, you wont be so hungry by the time the meal arrives and you're less likely to order alot or over eat.
  • Avoid working out on your Sundays : Your body needs rest to recover from working out through the week. This can prevent your body from a 'burn out'.
3 Motivational Image Quotes for the Weekend

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