3 Ways Relationships can make you better at success

We spend our lives around newly and old formed relationships,be it at kinder-garden or high school or even adulthood. A huge aspect of life revolves around the relationships we experience and in most cases,these relationships define the type of person we become and the path our life heads towards. It could be good or bad,but fact remains that it does have an influence on our decisions which is why i dedicate this post to the good that comes out off a healthy relationship.

1.A healthy relationship brings about a new meaning to your life

It's really comforting to know that even when you have no idea what to do in your life,you could be fresh out of college or struggling with finding your feet at any interval in your life, your partner can represent a meaning,a purpose to you. Sometimes it takes having someone by your side to make decisions you couldn't if you were alone. You may want to build a empire for that person or even just use that person as motivation to get the body you dream of.

2.There's someone to fall back upon in hard times

Having a shoulder to cry on doesn't make you weak, it helps to comfort and let you know that you're not alone in any hardship. Life throws many unforeseen problems and just knowing that you have the support and love off your partner can be the one reason alone to keep getting up,dusting off and keep trying to overcome those hurdles.

3.A healthy relationship projects stability

The thought of waking up every morning knowing that no matter how bad your day may turn out,you still have your loved one to come home to is more then comforting. Remember that a relationship is like  2 sides to a coin and in order for it to remain strong,you have to put in as much as you expect from it. Feeling stability is like a gift. It's what keeps us grounded and actually happy and content with your life.


Silence and Smiling-Picture Quote

Sometimes in life, it takes a great person to know when to be silent and when to smile at another. These 2 tools can Open many great doors or could be the reason it shuts some. Be wise and choose the right time to smile or be silent. They could make a difference in your life.


The best benefit of doing Squats

Squats has been a timeless exercise practiced by almost anyone who strives to be fit and tone. It can be performed anywhere, at any time and all it requires is your body. This particular exercise quote goes out to the women out there.i found this picture quite funny but true to an extent. Iv'e spoken to women who actually want to work and tone this particular body part and why not fit in a few set of planks into your day. It will definitely be worth the time.


4 Ways Fear Holds You Back in Life

We live in a society that dictates you be cut throat and vigilant in any task and opportunity. Being able to hold your own in the business world or even the social world requires you to overcome your fears and battle your way to success however, fear plays a part in all of our lives and if we aren't able to identify how it damages us as a person,we won't be able to overcome these fears.

1.Doubting yourself in situations

Fear us ab extreme task to overcome in most instances people are unable to do so. you find yourself questioning your ability to produce which in return affects your overall performance before you even make an attempt.

2. Contributes to Confidence Destruction

I'm fully aware of how fear can knock your confidence in yourself. Fear has a way of creeping into your mind,plants a doubt which hinders your actual performance and abilities.The more this happens,the more your confidence lowersand the more fear dictates the way you act and feel about yourself.

3. Expecting the Worst

When your self confidence is damaged,you tend to expect the worst in any situation you're faced with. Be it writing an exam, applying for a new job,pursuing a partner or even losing weight. Fear affects your confidence so much that you start to believe now that you can't accomplish the task or goal at hand. It further creates 'negative expectations', you start to assume the worst could happen and a sense of disbelief in yourself sabotages your chance to be the best you can be and even allow a situation to play out which could be a Good experience instead of a bad one.

4.Fear Demotivates a person

Motivation and Inspiration stems from internal and external influence, from the two, internal influence is the strongest because it's your belief to want to accomplish a task and can be extremely powerful however when Fear controls your mind, it triggers a train of events such as,Destroyed confidence,negative expectations,bad mindset and you end up in a stagnant place. Unable to move forward and overcome obstacles. Unable to change your life around. Unable to be The best You that You can be. Lack of motivation can contribute to a person not even wanting to Try.

Let us know how you've managed to overcome your Fears

This itself is cause enough for a person to realize that Fear is a state of mind. It deals with your mind and can be manipulated and destroyed with the right tools and advice. We want people to be able to Try and make the best of any situation without negative fearing. Comment on how you have experienced fear and ways you were able to overcome this and i'll sure to include this in my follow up post on Fighting Fear.

How to clear up acne using Benzoyl Peroxide

Acne has been an age long problem for people across the world, different ethnicity's, male and female and over the centuries there's been countless remedies discovered, both medical and natural however not too long ago, Benzoyl peroxide came into being for treating acne and with the right strength and dosage,it proved to be a breakthrough in treating acne.

A Regiment that can change your life

Iv'e been using a product containing Benzoyl peroxide for such a long time now and it's one of the preventive methods i use to keep any acne at bay and avoid a breakout. Iv'e went through my fair share of acne and thanks to Benzoyl Peroxide,iv'e been pimple free for a long time. I came across Benzoyl peroxide on a website known as Acne.org. I spent countless hours reading on the subject and found that thousands of people around the world embarked on the acne.org regiment and experienced drastic change in their acne. In a matter of 3 months people were completely clear whilst some where close to being acne free. The results were outstanding and it took me by surprise.

Acne.Org provides all the info and items you need to clear up your acne

The Acne.org regiment is solely based around using 3 products, A cleanser, The Benzoyl Peroxide and a moisturizer. These 3 products used together can drastically change your life. The beauty part off this regiment is knowing that their is a forum full of people on the same regiment sharing their experience and an entire section of success stories which are legit and inspiring.

Benzoyl peroxide is the basis of treating Acne

Benzoyl Peroxide works as an antimicrobial and a peeling agent which has proven to be very effective in the fight against Acne. It may however cause dryness and peeling of the skin however this can be combated using a moisturizer, one containing jojoba oil is recommended. B.P is used in most leading skin care products such as Clean&Clear, Neutrogena and much more. There are many over the counter products created using B.P and the prices aren't steep at all Acne.Org has their own specialized system of Acne Treatment and they sell this regiment online.

Take the chance by atleast reading up on the Acne.Org regiment

I know that you may be in doubt and afraid of spending your money online on this regiment but i urge you to atleast visit the site, read up their success stories section, go through the regiment or even speak to a dermatologist about it. Just be sure to check it out because this could be the miracle you've been waiting for. I hope that you find the answers you are looking for cand the results you desire.

Visit Acne.Org here: www.Acne.Org

5 Things To Do When You Feel Like You Can't Lose Weight

One of the most frequently asked questions that crosses people's minds is if they can actually lose weight. You spend months trying a new diet or exercise regiment and when you don't see any results,we start to question if we actually can lose weight. Doubt and mental exhaustion sets in and really damages your motivation and inspiration levels. The toughest part about this is when you give up which is why i thought of a few ideas to keep you motivated and keeping that refreshed feeling.

1.Find a Few Pictures of a Goal Body or a Celebrity you're a fan off

I find this little trick to be quite helpful. I have a gallery full of pictures of my favorite Fit celebs and I give that gallery a look every time I feel down. You might think that it will depress you more but that's just a misconception, just like any celeb or super fit person,their human just like yourself and I constantly remind myself that if they can do it,there's no reason why I can't.

2.Keep a pair of your normal fitting Jeans and your goal fitting Jeans at hand.

What's more motivating then finding that you've lost weight and dropped a jeans Size. I know after a month or 2 of hard workouts I take a jump into my closet and find one of those special pair off jean's I've been saving for when I lost some inches off my waist and hip. Set Aside an outfit that you wish to fit into and every month take them for a spin and note how close you are to pulling off that outfit.

3.Watch some really inspiring Movies

This particular tip works extremely well for me especially when summer arrives. I have a list of movies that I save and watch every summer that just gets me kicking and jumping to get on that treadmill and burn some calories. Movies are a great way of relaxing and finding that motivation to push forward and keep trying. Even if we aren't succeeding right now, all we can do is Keep Trying.

4.Look into the mirror

I know how hard it can be to look into the mirror and feel like you're scared that you might not like what you see but take a moment to look in the mirror. Forget about the things you dislike and clear your mind off any thoughts, look into the mirror and focus on things about you that you love. Those are the parts that make You special and give you a reason to want to change anything you dislike.

5.Get yourself a Journal and write every morning or night

Sometimes talking about your problem's doesn't seem like the best idea at the time so i suggest writing into your journal. It's personal and gives you the freedom to write everything you feel without holding back. Free yourself off the things you can't say out loud. You have no idea how good it might feel to let go off those locked up feelings.

Super Size Me? The Truth About Mcdonald's

A Few years ago I remember watching a trailer for a movie about Weight Gain and not Weight loss and it interested me especially the fact that it was based on McDonald's. I didn't get the chance to watch the movie back then up until now and i have to admit,it was an eye opener. I'm pretty vigilant with my diet however even i tend to give in to my cravings and why not to a Big Mac. Every Saturday Night when i'm out with friends,it would be our dinner stop. After Watching Super Size Me, I think I'm going to have to make a whole new change to my Saturday Night Out Dinners.

Super Size Me: Documentary Movie based on McDonald's

The Movie is based as a Documentary and revolves around McDonald's and exactly how bad it is indulging in any take out food. The movie progresses on a 30 day basis where the lead guy,Morgan, is only allowed to eat McDonald's for an entire Month. That's 3 meals a day of whatever McDonald's has on their Menu. As a rule, he had to super size every time he was offered to Super Size.

Shocking Statistics 

I honestly feel that watching the movie is really an eye opener because as much as Junk Food is tasty, it's still Junk and this Documentary is a good way for you to see just how bad these foods affect our body and slow down our weight loss. The Movie Provides shocking Statistics that really make you question whether eating take out is actually a good idea even if it's twice or thrice a week.

Super Size Me will change the way you think about Take Out Food

I suggest you go online and read up about Super Size Me and buy the movie because it will definitely change the way you think regarding Franchise's such as McDonald's. If you want to lose weight and lose the old fashion way of thinking that's keeping you feeling unhealthy and unfit, then this movie will surely get you questioning your lifestyle.

Aloe Vera - The Natural Healing Remedy for Skin

I'm so used to hearing about all these family traditions and concoctions for health issues and stuff but amongst those myths and strange combos of plants, one specific plant stand out from the rest. That plant is called Aloe Vera. Iv'e done some major research on skincare and remedies and i came across Aloe Vera especially for it's healing qualities and what it does for those suffering from Acne in particular.

Acne isn't something you can actually predict years before it happens,their are warning signs but that doesn't mean we can be aware of those signs. I remember in my teens i had perfect skin and come post teenage hood i started breaking out. I didn't expect it and it was moderate however the whole acne phase only lasted just a little over a year for me and it didn't have a lasting effect on my skin because i knew exactly how to treat it after months of research.

Apply Aloe Vera onto your face

Aloe Vera is known for it's healing properties and has been widely used for decades. The Gooey substance from the aloe Plant is applied to the face and left on to work throughout the day. This simple remedy has proven effective for reducing the appearances of scars and Red Marks in particular.

I do not have access the Aloe Plant, any suggestions?

Their is a pure extract of aloe that's available in stores and surprisingly it isn't all that expensive. Pop into a pharmacy if not a store and speak to the pharmacist for Aloe Vera and exactly how it should be applied to your face.

How long till i see results?

There isn't an exact time limit as to how Aloe Vera Works and When it works but it took atleast 2 weeks till people have seen visible results. I suggest actually using Aloe Vera just after your acne clears. That way you prevent it affecting the acne itself and just focus on the reduction of marks.

Acne Solution? Can i really get rid off Acne?

I realize that acne will continue to be a problem for people around the world and the worst part about it is that you end spending more money on products that promise results but just prove to be a waste of time and money. Iv'e learnt off a solution for clearing acne and i'm not trying to sell you any product or advertise in anyway, there's a whole series of posts planned for actually getting rid of acne using a particular regiment that Thousands of people including myself have used and are now completely acne free with great skin

I look forward to releasing those articles and getting you the info you need. Iv'e been at that point where i had tried everything and i was just about to give up and i learnt off this regiment, i was very skeptical about it and once i got onto the treatment,the results spoke for themselves. Stay tuned and subscribe to our email subscription or rss feed,whichever you like and i'll be filling you in on the details soon.


Key principles for a successful blog - The addictive blogger

The Blogosphere has extremely grown over the past 10 years with possibly close to a billion blogs and websites on the web,however, theirs a small percentage of these blogs that are successful and live up to expectations imposed by their readers and subscribers. The question on most blogger's minds is, what is their winning formula?

I have to admit that blogging can be extremely rewarding and when it comes to building a successful blog,thier are a few principles to follow in order to build a blog to stand out from a crowd. It's common knowledge that the most important traffic in any blog is your subscribers, these are the people who want more from you and are interested in the content you host. Thus, building a blog to cater for these subscribers and those to follow is pivotal.


Blog design is an important factor for any blogger to consider. You want your readers to enjoy being on your site and browsing through it. Be wise with your blog design, if you feel like monetizing your blog, be wary as to where you position your adds. Choose a design that fits your niche of blogging and remember to integrate social networking widgets in crucial places to share posts and build followers.


Writing content is the crux and pillar to any blog and writing for your readers content that interests them and is recieved well can be a tricky task. A great way to find out which posts and method of writing that does well on your blog is to monitor your stats. Choose the best posts that have great traffic,shares and comments and work around writing content that has elements from those successful posts.


Social networking sites are one of the best methods to connect with your readers,share your articles and even grow your blog and earnings greatly. Integrate Social Networking Sites into your blog and actively communicate with your readers and subscribers. This can greatly help you improve your blog and design it around ideas your readers find interesting.


Darren Rowse is one of the leading bloggers on the internet with more than 3 successful blogs,he has openly showed people how he has built successful blogs and has changed the manner in which most bloggers view blogging. From a hobby to a full time career. Darren strives to continue to grow his brands and blogs and build an online empire. This is why we name him the Addictive Mind known as - The Addictive Blogger #01

Best Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Green Tea has been apart of my diet due to my mom. She unfortunately has IBS-Irritable bowel syndrome and green tea is an essential component to her daily Diet. Aside from having a bad taste that can easily be overcome by just frequently drinking it, Green Tea is Packed with Natural Benefits that really should be included in anyone's diet. The best thing about it is that it's available almost anywhere and at very reasonable prices.

Health Benefits of Green Tea:

  • Lowers Risk of Cancer
  • Stabilizes cholesterol levels
  • Amazing for Weight loss
  • A great Anti-Constipation Remedy
  • Boosts immune system
  • Aids skin to look clear
  • Reduces the decay of teeth
  • Fights against infections
  • Reduces and prevents acne
  • Anti Viral and Anti Bacterial qualities
  • Reduces signs of Aging
  • Reduces puffy eyes and Dark Rings
  • Prevents Cardiovascular diseases

How much Green tea should you drink?

Preferable a cup of green tea a day is sufficient for anyone of any age. be sure to drink alot of water as well to hydrate yourself throughout the day. You can drink it at anytime but i suggest at night so that by the morning you will go out and feel regular. A quick point to make- not all green tea's are for Constipation, some may not enhance your bowel movement if that's what you prefer.

How should you have Green Tea?

It's advised that you drink it with warm to hot water without sugar or milk however there's little harm adding milk into it. Sugar isn't suggested especially if you're trying to lose weight. 

Green Tea for Dark Circles under the Eyes?

We spoke about green tea assisting with dark circles under eyes and another method aside from drinking the tea is to remove the tea bag and place it over your eyes once it's warm until it cools down. Approx. 20 mins at a time, twice a day for maximum benefit.

4 inspirational pictures for the olympics

Being in the Olympic spirit got me worked up to perform better on my workouts and studying overall which inspired me to post a few great motivational pictures based on the Olympics. From crazy swimming to insanely fast speeds on the track, these pictures are sure to put the umph in triumph.


Natural Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

We recently spoke about the Master Cleanse also known as the lemonade diet which consists of Cayenne Pepper as a main ingredient and we did some research on cayenne pepper and the natural benefits this amazing spice has to the body. I must say,if there's ever a spice to master, it would be cayenne pepper. I tend to add a dash into most of my food and it isn't really spicy as such.

Just add a Dash into your meals Daily

I can't really handle hot food but cayenne pepper isn't really hot but it definitely does have kick so don't load a heck load into one meal if you don't want to turn red in the face. I would recommend this for any diet because it has alot of benefits that may not even be covered in this article however please avoid using too much in a single meal.

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper:
  • Anti Allergen
  • Headache prevention
  • Anti Cold and Flu Agent
  • Digestive Aid
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Treats Blood Clots
  • Detox supportive
  • Supports Weight Loss
  • Remedy for Toothache
  • Regulates Cholesterol levels
  • Clears out Sinus Problems

How to diet successfully- The right mindset

At the beginning of any diet program you tend feel great and inspired, you look foward to the diet plan and as the days go by,it becomes harder and harder to stick to the diet because you constantly feel like you're being deprived. I used to feel that way at one point however i learnt a few strategies and lessons as well from Deepak Chopra which really made me change the way i think about Dieting.

The reason most of us Diet is to lose weight and we think that going on a 3 month complete vegetarian diet may be the solution,some of us even try the Master Cleanse and to our disappointment,we fail at it. The reason being is that our mind believes that we're being deprived off food we like. That temptation is brought about from that simple thought and we give in to our cravings after some battling back and forth with our hunger pangs.

Choose a diet that does not strip you of food that you enjoy-make healthy tasty food choices.

One really great technique to combat this would be to have a diet that doesn't lack elements that you like eating. The diet should consist of healthy food that you 'like' and 'enjoy' eating. This simple principle can hugely change the way you diet and the results you see from any diet. I'm not saying that Diets available shouldn't be attempted because if you're strict enough, you can accomplish the diet and lose the weight. The key to actually losing weight and keeping it off can all be challenged on whether the diet you follow can be done for a lifetime.

Prepare yourself mentally for a diet.

Another technique for successful dieting is to prepare your mind in advance. The mind controls our body and if you have a solid reason for dieting like losing weight or getting healthy,then your mind knows what you're trying to achieve and reduces the chances of you quitting any diet half way through.

Get Rid of Doubts in your mind.

If you think positive and believe that you will kick ass in this diet, then you will. Get rid of any doubts you have regarding whether you have the strength to complete a diet. It feels good knowing that you can win. Think of Dieting as a race and the prize is a healthy body.

The lemonade Diet - Master Cleanse

I did some research on diets available just to get a good feel of what's been trending around the world and one specific diet that caught my attention is the Lemonade Diet. I'm not sure if you have come across this diet plan but one things for sure, it sure as hell is difficult to pull this one off. Before i go on with explaining the lemonade diet and what it's all about, please consult a doctor before you try this diet because it can have some bad side effects.

What is the lemonade diet? 

The lemonade diet,also known as the master cleanse is one of the most used diets in the world consisting of just a single liquid which is clearly the lemonade. The ingredients for this lemonade is just lemon, cayenne pepper, pure maple syrup and water. It's absolutely inexpensive and to be honest effective diets iv'e come across. During the master cleanse you're not allowed to eat or drink anything besides the lemonade and water. Coming off the diet requires you to start off with just orange juice to soups up until normal solid food can be fit back into your life. This can all be achieved in a few days.

How long should you partake in the Master Cleanse

You should consider trying the master cleanse/lemonade diet for atleast 7 days and at most 40 days.
No one should ever go without solid food for such a long time so i advice you again to consult a medical expert before trying this diet.

Health Benefits of the Master Cleanse

  1. Cleanses your body of toxins
  2. Loss of weight is huge
  3. Increase in your energy levels
  4. Cleanses the Colon
  5. Improves the health of your skin
  6. Cayenne pepper has multiple health benefits
  7. Completely Fat Free

The lemonade Recipe

  1. Measure 2 Tablespoons of Fresh Lemon Juice into your large cup.
  2. Now measure and at 2 Tablespoons of Rich Maple Syrup to the cup.
  3. Measure and add 1/10 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper to the cup (or more to taste).
  4. Mix and drink immediately.
Read more on the lemonade diet below:


How you should workout on a Strider and treadmill to lose weight

It's generally accepted that if you want to lose weight and get toned then you should do a combination of Cardio and strength training however jumping onto a treadmill and running for over 20 minutes sometimes doesn't work after the first month. You find that you aren't burning much fat and you hit a stagnant phase however the solution to this problem is simply brought down to 'Variety'.

Your body adapts very quickly to a workout pattern and can slow the process of losing weight and getting fit.
When we speak about variety we're actually referring to the way you run on a treadmill or strider, how long you run, what speed you run at and what intensity. The goal in any workout is variety. you want to change up your pattern when running because your body can get used to a certain limit if you stick to it for a long period.

The key is to brake a 20 minute run into 3 steps and different intervals to begin with:

  • 0 - 1:30 minutes : Walk
  • 1:30 - 3 minutes : Jog
  • 3 - 5 minutes      : Sprint

As you can see, the workout is broken into 3 steps adding up to 5 minutes per set. Doing this for 4 times will add up to a 20 minute workout that will have your heart racing like never before and your fat burning zone optimized properly.This is just a simple pattern you can work with and is open for you to experiment with. As time goes by, increase the resistance for the workout, create different patterns and alter the time limit on each phase to your level of fitness.

I'm Ready for a Lifestyle Change, Are You?

I recently found myself running back and forth to the doctors due to a swollen stomach and this lasted for almost 2 weeks straight. Not even a minute of relief in that time and i started forgetting how it felt to be lean and healthy. Waking up in the morning feeling great and energetic was far in the horizon and to be honest this knocked me into a slump mentally. I couldn't bring myself to feel okay knowing that iv'e done something wrong this past few years to end up this way. It's different when you contract the flu or a bug because that's beyond your control,where as it became clear to me that my lack of taking lifestyle choices seriously is the reason i'm in this situation.

I resorted to eating junk even after being warned against it.
Just like any human being has cravings,i give in to mine's quite often and takeout food as well as junk food became a part of my daily diet. Maybe not completely but more then enough to knock my body down and get me needing to go for an endoscope to find out what's going on. I've booked the date for this scope and to be honest i don't know what to expect but from where i'm standing,it's those bad diet and exercise choice's iv'e made that has got me here.

Your body talks to you on a regular basis,listen to it.
I'm quite young and even though iv'e obsessed over being fit,i read countless books and articles on having a healthy body,i have all the knowledge needed yet finding that drive to actually live by those lessons learnt proves to be a tougher task then i expected. I had been warned by doctors to avoid any fizzy drinks,infact most junk food and i guess not listening to those warnings at the time is associated by being naive at times. I did not listen to my doctors but most importantly i did not listen to my body. It gave all the signs over time, and i did not listen to it.

A post a day can become an archive full with tips to change our lifestyles.
The reason i'm actually going into my story right now is because i don't want to see more people end up feeling the way i have. Right now all it could be for me is an ulcer or something but someday it could become something sinister if i don't change the way i live. It's no longer about just a diet, it becomes your lifestyle. Changing the way you think,the way you eat,the way you exercise and that change is best accomplished when you actually believe that you're doing the right thing. I'm going to post an article everyday that you can learn something beneficial. Whether it's a health tip, fitness regiment or even a story of successful people, i'll use ever post i write to give off information that can help change your life around. We only have one life to give, so why not live it as best as we can.


A Great way to Save Money when Shopping

We all are aware of the economy downfall throughout the world and let's be honest,living the American Dream or being the 21st Century man/woman can be quite costly especially when it comes to clothes and grooming products for both genders. Today as I swiftly moved through the swamped mall, shop to shop it seemed like one parcel turned into 4 and it got me thinking of how people always go off budget when faced with the huge task of shopping.

Make a List of items that are extremely necessary
Malls can be the worst place on the planet for those trying to be budget conscious. Countless shops offering items that just stand out and turn from a want to a need. Point being that we tend to choose our 'wants' over our 'needs'. The first thing one should do is make a list of the things you Need to purchase from this shopping experience. Having a list can be extremely helpful in spending your money wisely however it's not a full proof solution which brings me to my next point.

Only bring enough money to pay for your items on the list
Carry an exact total in your wallet to just add up to pay for the items on your list. Don't bring along any bank cards or credit cards with you because that just makes it easier for you to entertain the wants on your mind. We all get carried away or caught in the moment and spend more then we budget for however using money wisely can help you save alot and maybe even get you that Workout Machine you had your eye on to get in shape. Nevertheless, be wise with how you spend money and to end this post off i leave you with a quote from one of the worlds richest billionaires.

"Rich people invest their money, Poor people Spend their money"

3 Healthy Tips and image quotes for your Weekend - 01

The weekend for any person feels like the time to just spoil yourself and have a good time or just kick back and relax, to be honest, it's the 2 days of the week that can actually push you backwards in your regiment and goals for a healthier body. Your mind tells you to stay on the diet and not have that tootsie roll whilst your body says otherwise. Getting to a Gym or on your strider at home can be ever so difficult which is why we put together 3 Great image quotes and tips that could motivate you to think healthy through the weekend.

3 Health and Workout Tips for the Weekend
  • Go for a run/jog outdoors first thing in the morning : This way you get your workout without worrying about it through the day.
  • Eat something light before you go out : If you decide to go to restaurant, you wont be so hungry by the time the meal arrives and you're less likely to order alot or over eat.
  • Avoid working out on your Sundays : Your body needs rest to recover from working out through the week. This can prevent your body from a 'burn out'.
3 Motivational Image Quotes for the Weekend


Top 10 most kickass workout songs for August 2012 Edition

Start your day of with these few songs that are sure to put the oomph back into your workouts. August seems to be in the turning stage for any country,it's season is neither vividly hot or extremely cold,except for in the north pole. Iv'e put together a few great tracks that should bring energy to your body as you bust through that session. Here's what they look like.

  August 2012 Edition Workout Track-list

Number 10: Survivor - Eye of the Tiger

Number 9: 30 Seconds to Mars - Hurricane

Number 8: Flo Rida & Sia - Wild Ones

Number 7: Katy Perry - Part of Me

Number 6: Linkin Park - Burn it Down

Number 5: Swedish House Mafia-Grey Hound

Number 4: 30 Seconds to Mars -kings and Queens

Number 3: Snoop Dogg & David Guetta - Sweat

Number 2: Usher - Scream

Number 1: Linkin Park - Lost in the Echo

3 Tips For Feeling Inspired and Motivated

I’ve spent a few long years trying to understand how an individual can find that inner drive to get up off the ground, dust yourself off and jump into a sea of inspiring ideas and goals to accomplish. It’s such a vast topic and with all fairness,  there are very logical solutions available but not all of them are easy to just follow. You need to be equipped to handle the sort of information and advice you receive so I thought instead of writing the usual psych tips, I’d give you some ideas and ways that would work for you and is definitely available to you.


Music is known for evoking certain feelings to a person, some may be depressing, others lively whilst some can be Epic and Motivating but there isn’t a specific song I can tell you to listen to and expect it to have the same effect on you as it would on me, we all are unique and have respond differently to things. The reason I chose this to be the first option is solely because it’s available to all of us, music is a part of our lives. I advise you to go choose a song that inspires you, makes you feel happy and motivated.

Here are some of the sites you could visit to listen to songs:


Amongst the millions of movies available there are a few exceptional ones that convey a great meaning and a vast sense of motivation. I agree that movies can be a lazy pill for most of us including myself but not if you choose the right titles and let’s face it, movies can really stir up a heck load of emotions. It beats flipping through countless pages to find some sort of motivational quote, don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t apply in all cases but in this one it particularly does.

I found these titles to be especially inspiring and motivating and some of them are based on real life experiences, feel free to add more to the list with the comment section below:


Being Outside has proven to have a great influence on a person’s mood. It can be an escape from all the problems that may be stifling you and I use this method a lot. Often when I’m feeling down and out of inspiration I tend to take a long walk to the grounds near me and during the early morning or late afternoon, sitting on the bench with the breeze against my skin can be really relaxing. The sunset and serene atmosphere inspires me, well after a lot of contemplating that is. I’d suggest that you find a place that you are familiar with, have happy memories associated to that place, choose a place that you can be comfortable in and allow yourself the freedom to explore.

10 Motivational Picture Quotes to get you burning calories

This one is for those days when you get up feeling crappy in your own skin and need that drive to get off the couch and hit the treadmill one mile at a time. Enjoy these 10 great motivation pictures to KickStart your workout regiment.

Fat Burning Tip 01: When you feel like you've reached your limit, keep going. You'll be working in that fat burner zone and muscle building zone insanely.

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