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3 Ways Relationships can make you better at success

We spend our lives around newly and old formed relationships,be it at kinder-garden or high school or even adulthood. A huge aspect of life revolves around the relationships we experience and in most cases,these relationships define the type of person we become and the path our life heads towards. It could be good or bad,but fact remains that it does have an influence on our decisions which is why i dedicate this post to the good that comes out off a healthy relationship.

1.A healthy relationship brings about a new meaning to your life

It's really comforting to know that even when you have no idea what to do in your life,you could be fresh out of college or struggling with finding your feet at any interval in your life, your partner can represent a meaning,a purpose to you. Sometimes it takes having someone by your side to make decisions you couldn't if you were alone. You may want to build a empire for that person or even just use that person as motivation to get the body you dream of.

2.There's someone to fall back upon in hard times

Having a shoulder to cry on doesn't make you weak, it helps to comfort and let you know that you're not alone in any hardship. Life throws many unforeseen problems and just knowing that you have the support and love off your partner can be the one reason alone to keep getting up,dusting off and keep trying to overcome those hurdles.

3.A healthy relationship projects stability

The thought of waking up every morning knowing that no matter how bad your day may turn out,you still have your loved one to come home to is more then comforting. Remember that a relationship is like  2 sides to a coin and in order for it to remain strong,you have to put in as much as you expect from it. Feeling stability is like a gift. It's what keeps us grounded and actually happy and content with your life.


Silence and Smiling-Picture Quote

Sometimes in life, it takes a great person to know when to be silent and when to smile at another. These 2 tools can Open many great doors or could be the reason it shuts some. Be wise and choose the right time to smile or be silent. They could make a difference in your life.


The best benefit of doing Squats

Squats has been a timeless exercise practiced by almost anyone who strives to be fit and tone. It can be performed anywhere, at any time and all it requires is your body. This particular exercise quote goes out to the women out there.i found this picture quite funny but true to an extent. Iv'e spoken to women who actually want to work and tone this particular body part and why not fit in a few set of planks into your day. It will definitely be worth the time.


4 Ways Fear Holds You Back in Life

We live in a society that dictates you be cut throat and vigilant in any task and opportunity. Being able to hold your own in the business world or even the social world requires you to overcome your fears and battle your way to success however, fear plays a part in all of our lives and if we aren't able to identify how it damages us as a person,we won't be able to overcome these fears.

1.Doubting yourself in situations

Fear us ab extreme task to overcome in most instances people are unable to do so. you find yourself questioning your ability to produce which in return affects your overall performance before you even make an attempt.

2. Contributes to Confidence Destruction

I'm fully aware of how fear can knock your confidence in yourself. Fear has a way of creeping into your mind,plants a doubt which hinders your actual performance and abilities.The more this happens,the more your confidence lowersand the more fear dictates the way you act and feel about yourself.

3. Expecting the Worst

When your self confidence is damaged,you tend to expect the worst in any situation you're faced with. Be it writing an exam, applying for a new job,pursuing a partner or even losing weight. Fear affects your confidence so much that you start to believe now that you can't accomplish the task or goal at hand. It further creates 'negative expectations', you start to assume the worst could happen and a sense of disbelief in yourself sabotages your chance to be the best you can be and even allow a situation to play out which could be a Good experience instead of a bad one.

4.Fear Demotivates a person

Motivation and Inspiration stems from internal and external influence, from the two, internal influence is the strongest because it's your belief to want to accomplish a task and can be extremely powerful however when Fear controls your mind, it triggers a train of events such as,Destroyed confidence,negative expectations,bad mindset and you end up in a stagnant place. Unable to move forward and overcome obstacles. Unable to change your life around. Unable to be The best You that You can be. Lack of motivation can contribute to a person not even wanting to Try.

Let us know how you've managed to overcome your Fears

This itself is cause enough for a person to realize that Fear is a state of mind. It deals with your mind and can be manipulated and destroyed with the right tools and advice. We want people to be able to Try and make the best of any situation without negative fearing. Comment on how you have experienced fear and ways you were able to overcome this and i'll sure to include this in my follow up post on Fighting Fear.

How to clear up acne using Benzoyl Peroxide

Acne has been an age long problem for people across the world, different ethnicity's, male and female and over the centuries there's been countless remedies discovered, both medical and natural however not too long ago, Benzoyl peroxide came into being for treating acne and with the right strength and dosage,it proved to be a breakthrough in treating acne.

A Regiment that can change your life

Iv'e been using a product containing Benzoyl peroxide for such a long time now and it's one of the preventive methods i use to keep any acne at bay and avoid a breakout. Iv'e went through my fair share of acne and thanks to Benzoyl Peroxide,iv'e been pimple free for a long time. I came across Benzoyl peroxide on a website known as I spent countless hours reading on the subject and found that thousands of people around the world embarked on the regiment and experienced drastic change in their acne. In a matter of 3 months people were completely clear whilst some where close to being acne free. The results were outstanding and it took me by surprise.

Acne.Org provides all the info and items you need to clear up your acne

The regiment is solely based around using 3 products, A cleanser, The Benzoyl Peroxide and a moisturizer. These 3 products used together can drastically change your life. The beauty part off this regiment is knowing that their is a forum full of people on the same regiment sharing their experience and an entire section of success stories which are legit and inspiring.

Benzoyl peroxide is the basis of treating Acne

Benzoyl Peroxide works as an antimicrobial and a peeling agent which has proven to be very effective in the fight against Acne. It may however cause dryness and peeling of the skin however this can be combated using a moisturizer, one containing jojoba oil is recommended. B.P is used in most leading skin care products such as Clean&Clear, Neutrogena and much more. There are many over the counter products created using B.P and the prices aren't steep at all Acne.Org has their own specialized system of Acne Treatment and they sell this regiment online.

Take the chance by atleast reading up on the Acne.Org regiment

I know that you may be in doubt and afraid of spending your money online on this regiment but i urge you to atleast visit the site, read up their success stories section, go through the regiment or even speak to a dermatologist about it. Just be sure to check it out because this could be the miracle you've been waiting for. I hope that you find the answers you are looking for cand the results you desire.

Visit Acne.Org here: www.Acne.Org

5 Things To Do When You Feel Like You Can't Lose Weight

One of the most frequently asked questions that crosses people's minds is if they can actually lose weight. You spend months trying a new diet or exercise regiment and when you don't see any results,we start to question if we actually can lose weight. Doubt and mental exhaustion sets in and really damages your motivation and inspiration levels. The toughest part about this is when you give up which is why i thought of a few ideas to keep you motivated and keeping that refreshed feeling.

1.Find a Few Pictures of a Goal Body or a Celebrity you're a fan off

I find this little trick to be quite helpful. I have a gallery full of pictures of my favorite Fit celebs and I give that gallery a look every time I feel down. You might think that it will depress you more but that's just a misconception, just like any celeb or super fit person,their human just like yourself and I constantly remind myself that if they can do it,there's no reason why I can't.

2.Keep a pair of your normal fitting Jeans and your goal fitting Jeans at hand.

What's more motivating then finding that you've lost weight and dropped a jeans Size. I know after a month or 2 of hard workouts I take a jump into my closet and find one of those special pair off jean's I've been saving for when I lost some inches off my waist and hip. Set Aside an outfit that you wish to fit into and every month take them for a spin and note how close you are to pulling off that outfit.

3.Watch some really inspiring Movies

This particular tip works extremely well for me especially when summer arrives. I have a list of movies that I save and watch every summer that just gets me kicking and jumping to get on that treadmill and burn some calories. Movies are a great way of relaxing and finding that motivation to push forward and keep trying. Even if we aren't succeeding right now, all we can do is Keep Trying.

4.Look into the mirror

I know how hard it can be to look into the mirror and feel like you're scared that you might not like what you see but take a moment to look in the mirror. Forget about the things you dislike and clear your mind off any thoughts, look into the mirror and focus on things about you that you love. Those are the parts that make You special and give you a reason to want to change anything you dislike.

5.Get yourself a Journal and write every morning or night

Sometimes talking about your problem's doesn't seem like the best idea at the time so i suggest writing into your journal. It's personal and gives you the freedom to write everything you feel without holding back. Free yourself off the things you can't say out loud. You have no idea how good it might feel to let go off those locked up feelings.

Super Size Me? The Truth About Mcdonald's

A Few years ago I remember watching a trailer for a movie about Weight Gain and not Weight loss and it interested me especially the fact that it was based on McDonald's. I didn't get the chance to watch the movie back then up until now and i have to admit,it was an eye opener. I'm pretty vigilant with my diet however even i tend to give in to my cravings and why not to a Big Mac. Every Saturday Night when i'm out with friends,it would be our dinner stop. After Watching Super Size Me, I think I'm going to have to make a whole new change to my Saturday Night Out Dinners.

Super Size Me: Documentary Movie based on McDonald's

The Movie is based as a Documentary and revolves around McDonald's and exactly how bad it is indulging in any take out food. The movie progresses on a 30 day basis where the lead guy,Morgan, is only allowed to eat McDonald's for an entire Month. That's 3 meals a day of whatever McDonald's has on their Menu. As a rule, he had to super size every time he was offered to Super Size.

Shocking Statistics 

I honestly feel that watching the movie is really an eye opener because as much as Junk Food is tasty, it's still Junk and this Documentary is a good way for you to see just how bad these foods affect our body and slow down our weight loss. The Movie Provides shocking Statistics that really make you question whether eating take out is actually a good idea even if it's twice or thrice a week.

Super Size Me will change the way you think about Take Out Food

I suggest you go online and read up about Super Size Me and buy the movie because it will definitely change the way you think regarding Franchise's such as McDonald's. If you want to lose weight and lose the old fashion way of thinking that's keeping you feeling unhealthy and unfit, then this movie will surely get you questioning your lifestyle.
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